Anti-Semitism often arises from the misuse of scripture and today’s passage in which Saint Peter informed the people before him that they had crucified Jesus has been used by such haters. Peter was trying to motivate the people to come to the waters of baptism and repent from any of their wrong doing ways. He was not preaching anti-Semitism nor laying the foundation for this hate for others to later adopt and use. The people responded to Peter’s invitation asking how they could make things right. They became eager to be baptized so that they could change their ways and lead a better life.
READ MOREOur society has become more conscious of our “throw away” or “disposable” culture. The issues of oil, gas and renewable resources for power and heat are in fact at times mind boggling. Not all the answers and solutions are easily apparent. We now are constantly reminded that our environment and health are caught up in these questions of what is environmentally positive and what is environmentally negative. We are challenged about what we have and what we use; how we use it and then how do we dispose of it. The reality is that life is more than just a blue environmental recycle bucket, but the blue recycle bucket is a necessary early step. We are challenged to purchase and use items that will last a long time, items that are made to last and not to be thrown away after a single or brief use. We are struggling to conserve how we use electricity and also gas and oil efficiently. Our scripture this weekend also is addressing the topic about things that last. We are being told about things that will ever endure though out time.
READ MOREIt is essential to realize that the actions of the earliest believers were filled with joy. They had faith and thus were filled with great joy over the News of the Risen Lord Jesus. Some people who think they are being authentically Catholic and “pious” or “holy” often have a weary, down trodden or sad face. They believe that authentic piety can only look morose and be sad and negative. They miss the obvious that there is joy in the Resurrection of Jesus. His Death did happen, but more importantly His Death led to His Resurrection. Our first reading this weekend tells us that they were filled with joy.
READ MOREDear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Mary Parish,
We are blessed at Saint Mary Parish with many, many generous parishioners who give of their time, talent and treasure to make our Sacred Celebrations during Holy Week profoundly spiritual and uplifting. Our Staff worked very diligently and thoughtfully to make sure that the materials which are needed for our Masses and Services were well designed and prepared for us. Our Staff also prepared our worship space to be worthy of the sacred celebrations which we would offer this Holy Week. There are many volunteers involved such as those who prepared and decorated the sanctuary, those who prepared the sacred linens for the altar, those who led us in song, those who participated in our outstanding choir, those who assisted as Eucharistic Ministers and those who proclaimed the Word of God as Lectors etc.
READ MOREAlleluia! Jesus is alive!! After spending a number of Lenten weeks walking with Jesus toward his passion and death, and commemorating the events of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday, we rejoice at Easter, celebrating Jesus’ resurrection. The Gloria and Alleluias return to our worship and we are invited to share in the joy of Jesus’ new life. Imagine how the apostles felt and acted after Jesus was falsely executed as a criminal and then mysteriously, and triumphantly, rose from the dead. They must have been confused and fearful, wondering what would happen to them. However, the Scriptures tell us that they were emboldened to tell the Good News of Jesus’ life and teaching when they received the gift of Jesus’ Spirit, the sending of which we remember on Pentecost.
READ MOREWith Easter Sunday Mass, we now again sing loudly “Alleluia!” We can sing it every Sunday until the earth completes its annual journey around the sun again. With Easter, we are focused on a new kind of light, the light of Christ. Though our earth spins like a top through twenty-four-hour cycles of day and night, it is our faith which proclaims that this day that the Lord has made will not end.
READ MOREPalm Sunday is the beginning of the Great Week - Holy Week. We know it takes a lot of the devotion and attention and also time, the time we have to gather ourselves and to gather with others to share in the suffering of the cross and the sure triumph of the Resurrection of Jesus. This Sunday which celebrates the reading of the Passion of our Lord and also Blessing and Distribution of Palm Passion is where it all begins.