The liturgical season of Advent begins on December 3rd. It’s a short season this year, having only three full weeks, as the Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 24th, is also Christmas Eve. In Advent, we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ first coming to our world, his Incarnation, on Christmas Day. In addition, we remind ourselves of our need to “be alert” for Jesus’ second coming at the end of time; the gospel on the First Sunday of Advent contains Jesus’ warning to us to be on the watch. And finally, during Advent we are especially aware of Jesus’ presence with us in our daily lives and in our Eucharist; we can truly say that we celebrate Emmanuel, God with us!
READ MOREOur Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
In May 2023, for the first time in almost three quarters of a century, a monarch was crowned in England. A few days later a friend of mine scoffed, “What a waste of time and energy! What is the point of a king?”
READ MOREThe Knights of Columbus (Sacred Heart Council - St. Mary Church in Franklin, MA) is holding our annual Christmas Fundraiser for those “in need” in Franklin and surrounding communities during the holiday season. ALL proceeds from the event will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The Knights will have a table set up outside the church after each Mass on the weekend of December 9 & 10 and will be selling Stop & Shop gift cards (5% of sale benefits St. Vincent DePaul Society).
READ MOREThis weekend is our 2nd Grand Annual Collection. Envelope users should have received a special Grand Annual envelope in the monthly envelope mailing. If you are not a regular envelope user, there are additional Grand Annual envelopes available at the entrance to the church. Thank you to the many families that have already returned their Grand Annual Gift!
Online Giving: stmaryfranklin/giving/funds
This weekend is our 2nd Grand Annual Collection. Envelope users should have received a special Grand Annual envelope in the monthly envelope mailing. If you are not a regular envelope user, there are additional Grand Annual envelopes available at the entrance to the church. Thank you to the many families that have already returned their Grand Annual Gift!
Online Giving: stmaryfranklin/giving/funds
We conclude our celebration of the Church liturgical season of Ordinary Time this month; Advent starts the first weekend of December. These last few weeks of Ordinary Time are always focused on the end times, the second coming of Jesus Christ. The gospel readings for the weekends of November 11/12, November 18/19, and November 25/26 all call us to prepare for the end of time.
On November 11/12, we have the parable of the wise and foolish young women who await the coming of the bridegroom…only the wise ones are prepared, however, and the message for us is to be ready, to be alert, for we don’t know the hour that the Lord is coming! On the next weekend, November 18/19, we hear the parable of the talents; we are admonished to use what skills and gifts we have before our Lord and Master returns.