Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!
Hi Friends,
I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks since I arrived at St. Mary’s. Where does time go? I guess the old saying holds true, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” It has been a joy to settle in here at St. Mary Parish. On Fri, Jun 9, I had an opportunity to return to my last parish of St. Pius V and Holy Family Parish in Lynn, to celebrate the Baccalaureate Mass and commencement ceremony for the 8th Graders at St. Pius V School. I was bragging about St. Mary’s so much I think they couldn’t wait for me to leave! But truly, it has been a great start.
On Tue, Jun 6, I was invited to meet with our St. Mary’s Parish ministers who give the Eucharist to the sick and homebound. What an amazing group of parishioners! So much of their ministry is never properly acknowledged. I’m grateful for their faithful dedication and the sacrifice they make for our parish and community. Their ministry is an important source of comfort and hope to those who need comfort and hope the most. Also, special thanks to our Pastoral Associate, Leo Racine for his wonderful coordination and leadership of this important ministry.
On Wed, Jun 7, I was honored to be invited by our Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council to join them as their Chaplain. That evening, the Council also welcomed four new brother Knights. I look forward to working with this impressive group, which does so much good work in our parish and community. Lastly, I experienced my first St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council Meeting. I’m happy to say we have a fantastic group of parishioners who care so much for the well-being of our parishioners and the good of St. Mary’s Parish. This council will be an important instrument in helping you and I build a shared vision and direction as we begin this next chapter of St. Mary’s Parish. I look forward to listening and creating with this group to insure that St. Mary’s continues to be a beacon of light and hope for all who are seeking God’s unconditional love. Stay tuned to future Pastor’s Notes and for exciting info from the Parish Pastoral Council.
Peace and Blessings,
Fr. Bob